Saturday, May 31, 2014

Visit to a family restaurant, Gusto (I don't know what that means)

Gusto is a 24/7 family restaurant very close to Grandma's house. Nothing really special here, but the hamburg dishes are really good.

I remember the time they used to order from kid's menu.

They have what's called "drink bar", all you can drink for about $2. They have so many different hot and cold drink.

The corn soup has arrived.

The food has arrived.

Oooo, the cheese.

Nom Nom.

Jared's having "melon soda", and William's having "brown sugar jelly", which was okay.

As usual, bro time.

The smoking box, it's really a box, not a room, thank goodness.

Yakitori (chicken skewers)

There's our favorite Yakitori place called "Fukutoku". One stick is 90 yen and they were traditionally made in front of customers as order comes in. Menu includes liver, thigh, skin, chicken ball, eggs, etc.

He's ALWAYS so nice, even when I was younger.

When I was taking pics, there were times that I missed to take the frames, so he poured more sauce (tare) on the chicken so the frames go up dramatically.

Before the Yakitori place, we stopped by a Japanese fast food restaurant called "Mosu Burger", I know, it sounds like "Moss Burger".

Choosing food.

While we wait outside, the business as usual. 

While we waited, we found this. Turned out, it's a crime reporting system that connects to a nearby "Koban" (Japanese style police station) that has only few policemen on duty.

On the way back , noticed that 2 digits gone on the gas gauze. I don't think gas will last like the Prius did...

Friday, May 30, 2014

Japanese candy, Neru Neru Nerune (sort of like chemical experiment)

William went to the candy corner at the store despite only little ones there, to get his childhood favorite candy called "Neru Neru Nerune" (mixing, mixing, and more mixing).

Some things never change.

William's B-day at the restaurant, "Royal Host"

William had his 19th birthday at the restaurant, "Royal Host".

Choosing food.

Papa is explaining what kind of food the one Grandma was interested.

The food has arrived.

Grandma ordered smaller dish.

The birthday boy got something else.

The waitress took time to make the cake William ordered into a small birthday cake for extra service.

Of course he takes pic with his phone.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Walking to "Create", a drugstore.

William always want to take a same path that he and his grandpa took when he was young, to walk to the drugstore called "Create". They have adequate amount of groceries too. 

Nothing has changed much since.

Inside Create, obviously William is enjoying the shopping.

On the way back, Jared tried to climb the stairs backwards to avoid the camera.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Japanese navi (GPS)

Japanese GPS is so advanced that informs me every time getting close to the toll booth, and reminds me every booth that I DO NOT have my highway prepaid card, which I know already. AND if also tells me to be careful when approaching the train crossings, AND told me to take a break after 2 hours of driving.