Monday, May 26, 2014

Flight on the way

Early morning flight out of ICT, headed for DFW.

Leaving Kansas.

Kansas crop circle found.

Inside the aircraft.

On the way to DFW.


On board on business class for the first time.

OMG, the seat control!

OMG, the headset is BOSE!

The food was incredible, and served 3 times, including numerous champagnes and drink offerings as soon as you sit down. We were stuffed!

Time to sleep comfortably for the first time. Notice the partition.

Jared and I watched "12 Years a Slave", "Ender's Game", and half of "the Secret Life of Walter Mitty", and William watched "the Secret Life ..." and "Amazing Spider Man". I really liked "the Secret Life of..." so I would definitely watch entirely after I come back.


  1. Lol kansas crop circles! Love the pics. Business class looks great and the food looks delicious.
